Archive for the ‘IDPA’ Category

Pictures of the May IDPA shoot at YRL here in Prescott Arizona

May 10, 2009

Great day for a shooting match here in Prescott. Actually, 12 miles west of Prescott. 25 or so shooters showed up and we all had a great time. 6 stages. Our squad was Dagny and I, Frank and Barb, Nat, and Dane. Here’s a few pictures of us shooting today.

Barb shooting from cover

Barb shooting from cover

Barb entering and blasting the bad guy!!!

Barb entering and blasting the bad guy!!!

Barb running and gunning!!!

Barb running and gunning!!!

Dane getting his sights on target

Dane getting his sights on target

Dane shooting the bad guy targets ( the ones with guns ).

Dane shooting the bad guy targets ( the ones with guns ).

Frank charging down the shooting line.

Frank charging down the shooting line.

Dagny slicing the pie

Dagny slicing the pie

Dagny shooting her Glock 17

Dagny shooting her Glock 17

Me getting off chair, turning and shooting

Me getting off chair, turning and shooting

Me trying to find cover behind chair

Me trying to find cover behind chair

Nat Blazine away

Nat Blazine away

Nat shooting while haulin ass

Nat shooting while haulin ass

Great fun, great people and a chance to keep and improve your shooting skills. If you like shooting, get out and try IDPA. You’ll never want to go plinking again. Here’s the link to our shooting range here in Prescott.